How do I...
'The Dictator' is a very strong Multimedia tool, and yet - very friendly
and intuitive for it's user.

Anyway, if you don't understand something, here is a step-by-step,
working cycle, from the begining, to the end.

Note:Unregistered users should ignore all the explanations
regarding the File menu commands, simply because this options are disabled
in the unregistered version.

Entering data

  1. First, lets open a new File. The data we enter will be related to this
    file name, and doing so, will enable us to load it again later.
    To do this, go to the File menu item, and choose New
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  2. A window opens. Write the name you wish the data to be saved in,
    and push the 'Done' button.
  3. Press the New button.
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  4. In this screen we enter the data.
    Screen contains Four fields: Term, Definition , Bitmap, and Record.
    Important:We don't have to enter all of the fields.
    If we like, it's enough to enter only two: The Term, and another field.
    This way we can identify the Term according to a 'Wav', 'Text', or a picture.
    To view few examples, click Me.
  5. The cursor blinks in the 'Term' field. Write the word A puppy.
  6. Press the Tab button. Cursor is now in the 'Definition' field.
    Write A small barking animal.
  7. In order to record a sound (You must have a sound card, and a microphone or another sound device for that), press the 'Record' button.
    A bar will show you the time remaining until the end of the recording.
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    The default recording time is two seconds (This should be enough to record
    few words). However, you can change this time using the options screen.
    While you see the bar, talk to the microphone, or play your desired sounds.
  8. If you like, you can add a bitmap. To do so, press the 'BitMAP' button.
    Now you can load any picture you like. We chose the Puppy bitmap.
    Well, That wasn't too hard, wasn't it?
  9. Press the 'OK' button.
  10. If you like to enter more fields, repeat steps 3-9.


  1. Press the 'Dictate' button.
  2. Now you are in the "Dictations" screen. You see here all the data
    you entered, four related fields at a time.
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  3. Press the 'Play' button. If you recorded a sound (I recorded my self
    barking, and it sounds rather convincing) you'll hear it (and if you didn't,
    you wouln't).
  4. Type 'A Cat' in the Term field, and hit theReturn key.
    'The Dictator' KNOWS you're wrong.
  5. You can keep on trying until you get the right answer, or press
    the I GIVE UP! button, and 'The Dictator' will tell you the right answer.
    Check the Options screen, it enables you other ways to dictate - Change the number of guesses, etc.
  6. The "Dictation" will end when there are no more terms in the dictionary,
    Or if you'll press the 'Stop Dictating' button.

Tip:At the buttom of the screen there is a status bar.
The bar gives you hints about what you should do, and changes according
to the screen you're in.
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